

“God Purpose for Us-Jack Blake”

Categories: Faithfulness, Praise God, Seeking God

Good Morning,

If you are reading this, it is because God gave you rest and sleep during the night and has now awaken you to face another day of life on this planet.  He has a purpose for you and that is to live for Him this day.  So start the day with prayer of thanksgiving, then humble yourself under His mighty hand.  Serve Him well by surrendering your will to His, and strive to do all that you can to bring praise and glory to His name.  Be steadfast, be sure keep the vows you have made to the Master.  Do not consent with idolators, aduterers, fornicators or those who in any way reject the holy, inspired word of God by teaching and approving of the very things which He abhors.  Seek God and His beloved Son Jesus the Christ.  Expose all forms of wickedness, depart from evil and do Good, then you will be victorious In Jesus and have hope of eternal life with Him.