

“The Word of God-Jack Blake”

Categories: Good News, Seeking God, Truth

The word of God.

Greetings Brethren and Friends,

Every word written in God's inspired word (The Bible). is first of all pure, true, righteous and packed with His power.  His word is to be applied to the life of all who claim the name of Jesus and is to be carried to the world boldly by them.  The word of God is written and the gospel told in terms that even a child can understand.  So it makes one wonder why so many today are unwilling to open its pages and read the words of our Master.  My suspicion is that they are afraid because His word demands His will which may go against the things they want to do.

Father we pray that you will help Your children to mature in your word, apply it to their personal life and boldly tell it to the world. May hearts be softened and receptive to Your truths before it is too late.

In Jesus name, AMEN.

Try to do the right thing, cause you can't be wrong if you're doing it by the book!