

Good News

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The Gospel is-Jack Blake

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Good Morning,  The gospel is like a fresh, mild, and cool air in the extreme heat of summer, a solace and comfort in the anguish of conscience. Martin Luther.

The Gospel of Jesus-Jack Blake

Monday, February 10, 2025

Good Morning,  If you hate your brother than you can’t love God.  The gospel of Jesus is the power of God unto salvation. We are saved by God’s grace through our faith. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and life; there is no other way to the Father except through Him! All you who are burdened and heavy laden, come unto Me and I will give you rest. Just some things to ponder on this bright and shiny Monday morning. May the good Lord bless and keep you.

God's Gift of Salvation-Jack Blake

Friday, January 17, 2025

Good Morning,  Salvation is free, it is God's gift to all who will accept it. God's love is unconditional but God's gift of salvation must be accepted according to His terms: Hear it, believe it, repent of your sins, confess that Jesus is the Son of God, and be buried with Christ in baptism for the remission of sins repented, then arise and walk in newness of life remaining faithful until death. See Romans 6; Revelation 2.10. God's invitation to all is: "come unto Me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." See Matthew 11.28.

Pressing Onward to the Goal-Jack Blake

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Good Morning,  Lord, thank You for Your word, and for Jesus, author of our salvation. Thank You for this day, and help us to rejoice and be glad in it. Help us to forget the things of the past that we might concentrate on the things which lie ahead. Plant our feet on solid ground and help us as we press on toward the goal of our hope in Christ Jesus which is eternal life with You. Take us by the hand and lead us gently to our eternal home. In Jesus name we pray AMEN.

The gospel of Jesus the Christ-Jack Blake

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Good Morning, and Merry Christmas to friends of God and disciples of Jesus, the beloved Son of God.  I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation. Romans 1.16. The gospel of Christ is the message of salvation from our sins, Luke 24,46,47. It is for the penitent, Matthew 4.17, all who have eyes that see and ears that hear the seriousness of their betraying the Father and mourn, Matthew 5.4, and hunger and thirst for righteousness, Matthew 5.6. They embrace the good news of the gospel that is offered in Christ, those who believe and confess openly that Christ is indeed the savior sent by the Father from above, Romans 10.9-10, and are eager to be buried with Christ in baptism so their sins might be forgiven, Acts 2.38. For the rest of their lives they live in newness of life, Romans 6.4 watching and waiting for the return of Christ and their eternal life with God, 2 Peter 3.10-13; 1 John 3.2-3.

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