

“We Owe Our Lives to Him-Jack Blake”

Categories: Jesus, Love, Repentance

Good Morning,

Jesus was betrayed by Judas in the upper room. The other Apostles betrayed Him in the garden and at His trial. Then He was crucified on the cross at Calvary.   Jesus the Christ, the most innocent man who not once violated any law, God's or man's, but was falsely prosecuted and sentenced to die by hanging, not by a rope around His neck, (that would have been too sudden), but by nails driven into His hands, His feet, a crown of thorns crudely pushed on His head and a wounded side so He would suffer great pain.And there He hung between two thieves.  This He accomplished without a vile word, but said:"Father forgive them, they do not know what they do." and at the last said: Father, Into your hand I commit My spirit." He done this for you and for me, by carrying the sins of the world on His shoulders so we might be encouraged with a peace of mind, a settled heart, and a calm spirit.

It does not matter whether you are in Christ or lost in the world's affairs, know this we owe our lives to Him.