Follow Him-Jack Blake
Friday, December 20, 2024Good Morning, People are praying for God to heal the land, and God is waiting on the people to repent and turn from their wicked ways. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12.2. Jesus is the light of the world, follow Him.
Forgiveness of God-Jack Blake
Wednesday, October 02, 2024Good Morning,
Our past sins were the result of character traits that the disciple must get rid of. All past sins which we have truly repented of, God has forgiven and we must replace them by virtues of God's character, see 2 Peter 1.3-11. This does not happen overnight, but is a process which takes time and patience. It is also necessary that we are diligent in the study, hearing and doing His will. Transformation is a rebuilding of our character and does not happen automatically by divine decree, we must embrace the process actively with all our heart and submit to God's training, however long it may take. Failure to do so can and probably will result in returning to our old character of sinful living. God have mercy and increase our faith. AMEN
God Said-Jack Blake
Monday, September 30, 2024Good Morning,
God said three things that should cause everyone to tremble. 1.) Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish, Luke 13.3-5, 2.) Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom of heaven... 3.) Whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple, Luke 14.27. And Paul, being moved by the Holy Spirit tells us that Jesus will take vengeance on them who do not know God and obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. punishing them with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and the glory of His power. 2 Thessalonians 8.9. God have mercy on us as we struggle in this sinful world. Strengthen our faith and give us understanding and encouragement. In Jesus name, AMEN
Memories and God-Jack Blake
Saturday, August 10, 2024Good Morning,
We all have memories of past life experiences, some good and some not so good. Our past experiences are what make us what we are today. But we sometimes consume so much of our time on memories that we lose sight of our God, His Son and our purpose in life. Some things are difficult to forget, still we must grow in the Lord adding self control to our faith. This is necessary if we are to live a God centered life in the present time and make good memories for tomorrow. It may not be easy, but God gives us strength and courage to endure.
This message is to self.
Cost of discipleship-Jack Blake
Tuesday, July 09, 2024Good Morning,
We must, according to the scriptures, consider the cost of discipleship. For if we do not bear His cross and follow after Him, we cannot be His disciple. See Luke 14. 25-30. Temptations are raging around us in this perverse, crooked and adulterous generation in which we live. Taking up our cross daily to follow Christ means we must know and do His commandments. John 14.15. Repentance of our sins is ongoing and ever present in our lives. It is easy enough say the words, Lord I have sinned, please forgive me this sin, or something similar and then continue to live in this same sin. True repentance is first recognizing and confessing our sins, ask for the Lord's forgiveness and then turning from those sins never to indulge in them again. The Christian life, the determination to take up our cross and follow Him, is not an easy life, but true repentance comes from a good, honest, and faithful heart, then the Lord will be faithful to forgive us our sins. With God all things are possible, and He has promised to never leave nor forsake us. Mark 10.27; Hebrews 13.5.