

“Our Battle-Jack Blake”

Categories: Faithfulness, Our Salvation, Truth

Good Morning,

We are in the heat of battle, not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places. And Yes, it is true the battle belongs to the Lord and He leads us and He guide us in this battle, so we can be victorious. But we are the soldiers of His cross, we are the ones who have to engage in every day hand to hand combat against these forces of evil. We are the ones who must remain loyal and true to Christ waving His unfurled banner high. Hear and listen to His words when He says: Contend earnestly for the faith (Jude 3), enduring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.(Ephesians 4.3). And as Paul told Timothy (1 Timothy 6.12), we must keep fighting the good fight of faith laying hold on eternal life and not growing weary in doing well. (Galatians 6.9). He has given us the spiritual weapon and protective armor (Ephesians 6.11) so we are well equipped for the battle. Stand up, stand up for Jesus you soldiers of the cross, lift high His royal banner it must not suffer loss.