

“Follow God's Plan=Jack Blake”

Categories: Obediance, Seeking God

Good Morning, 

In chapter 8 of the book of Romans, we are told there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. That is those who have followed God's plan of salvation as noted in Acts 2.38; Romans 6. Those who have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires and now belong to Christ Jesus. Galatians 5.24. Those who have been called out of the darkness of sin and into God's marvelous light. 1 Peter 2.9. These are the true ones, these are the saved ones who are traveling through this wicked, resentful, disobedient world, going to their final home in heaven to live evermore with Jesus, who now sits at the right hand of God's throne. God have mercy, Guide, guard, protect and direct our steps that on that great day we might hear, well done good and faithful servant, enter into My Kingdom.