

“Decide to follow Jesus-Jack Blake”

Categories: Hope, Jesus

Good Morning,  JESUS, the Christ, King of all kings, Lord of all lords is the one I have decided to follow, because He lives still today, seated at the right hand throne of God. He is my bread when I'm hungry, my shelter from troubled winds, my anchor in life's ocean, who has the words of eternal life. JESUS, my best friend, merciful, forgiving and full of grace towards us. JESUS my only reason for living. He is the way the truth and the life, the only way to the Father is through Him. JESUS, the only name under heaven by which we must be saved. JESUS, just and fair in His judgements, the one all will stand in front of on that great and glorious day to give an account of the things done on earth, in this body whether good or bad. We have no greater friend than JESUS, for there is no friend like the lowly JESUS, no not one.  These are just some of the reasons I try to take up my cross daily and follow JESUS. Decide this day whom you will follow.  Thanks for reading..