“The Great I Am-Jack Blake”
Categories: Power of God, Praise God, PrayerGOOD MORNING, God loves you and will help you endure the storms of this life and provide a way to escape the lustful temptations of the world. Do not worry about the wickedness in the world or those who are evil, doing works of iniquity, for the Lord has overcome the world and its lustful ways. Seek the Lord while He may still be found and do good. Love the Lord with all your being, your heart, your soul, your mind. Trust Him and commit your way to Him, surrendering your will to His. Trust the Lord and obey His commandments. Lean on Him, for in Him is found love, mercy, grace and forgiveness. Be honest with Him and self, be faithful, and true to Him. Father, My life to You, I owe, my life to You, I give. I believe in You and believe Your every word, for You are my strength, my refuge, my all. You, Father, are the great I AM. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN