“JOHN 3.16-17-Jack Blake”
Categories: Obediance, Seeking GodGood Morning, The words from the above scripture are very comforting and assuring, but can also be taken to mean than we can live our life on earth any way WE choose, because GOD loves us with such great love that He will accept us regardless of our sins and iniquities. kind of an eat, drink, be merry attitude. We should re-read this scripture from time to time and examine our lives in the light of it. To believe in Jesus the Christ, God's beloved Son in Which He is well pleased is to Love Him by knowing and doing His commandments. See John 14. Moses said " Today I have set life and death before you; Choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants." Deuteronomy 30.19. See also Jeremiah 10. May He Bless and keep us as He will this day. AMEN