

“God and Us-Jack Blake”

Categories: Hope, Our Salvation, Seeking God

Good Morning,

The God of the Old Testament is the same God of the New Testament.  God doesn't change (Malachi 3.6).  It is sin that separates us from God, not the Bible (Isaiah 59.2).  God has blessed us with a scheme of redemption to save us from the sins that separate us from Him and to bring us back to a rightful relationship with Him.  The word of the Lord is right, and all His work is done in truth.  He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord (Psalms 33.4-5).  Righteousness and justice is the foundation of His throne, mercy and truth go before His face (Psalms 89.14).  The Lord is longsuffering (patient) toward us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (2.Peter 3.9).  God will not interfere with our freedom of choice; we can choose eternal life with Him or die in our sins and be eternally destroyed.

But for me and my house we shall serve the Lord (Joshua 24.15).