

“Our God is Alive-Jack Blake”

Categories: Our Salvation, Power of God, Thankfulness

Good Morning,

The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." But that foolish statement is an outright lie.  For there is a God, a living God and the heavens declare His glory and the firmament shows His handiwork. (Psalms 19.1).  Our God is alive and well sitting on His throne in heaven, ruling over heaven and earth.  He encourqes and helps us in times of trouble.  By His strength He vindicates us.  He is the all knowing one who knows and searches the hearts of men.  He is all powerful giving and taking life as He choses.  Oh, yes, there is a God in whom all faithful obedient believers live and move and have their being. (Acts 17.28) and we owe, we owe our life to Him.  By the way have you talked to God today to thank Him for your every blessing, and to let Him know how much you love Him for being our God and accepting us as His children?