

“There is No Other Way-Jack Blake”

Categories: Faithfulness, Obediance, Word of God

Good Morning,

Do you believe in God?  Have you made the great confession that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that He died for our sins?  Do you believe the Bible is the inspired word of God?  If you answered yes to all of the above, do you believe you are saved?

Read and hear the scriptures.  Even the demons believe in God and tremble. (James 2.19).  They even fear God. and many of them confessed Jesus to be the Son of God. (Luke 4. 41).  But they still remained demons, and their belief did not change them.  Many of the rulers believed in God, but were afraid to confess Him because of the pharisees who would put them out of the synagogue.  Proving the loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. (John 12. 42,43).  Rulers also believed in Jesus and that He was the Christ, but would not confess or follow Him. (Matthew 10.32,33).  We can be believers, but still be in a lost condition.  For Jesus said: "Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven." (Continue reading Matthew 7.21,23).  Those people were religious, sincere, believers in God, but were still lost, rejected by Christ, because they did not obey the will of their Heavenly Father.  If there is any hope of entering the Kingdom of heaven, we must believe, obey and do the Father's will.  Read also James 2.24; John 6.29; Colossians 2.12; Ephesians 2.10).  Jesus asks us: "Why do you call Me Lord, Lord, but do not do the things which I say?" (Luke 6.46).  If you love Me keep My commandments. (John 14.15).  There is no other way but His.

From a lesson by Jesse Flowers.