

“The Cure for Sin and Death-Keith Greer”

Categories: Blessings from God, Good News, Our Salvation

Good morning.

Today we will remember that all men have a serious disease that only one person had a remedy for.  That disease is SIN, Romans 3:23.  The result of that particular disease is death, Romans 6:23.  Mankind with all their human wisdom and wonderful medical knowledge have no solution for this disease.  Why?  Human remedies are of no help with this spiritual illness.  Only the sacrifice of the Son of God gave mankind true hope of finding a way out of this terrible situation, Romans 5:8-9; 1 Peter 1:18-19.  Yet, sadly so many don’t know they have this disease.  Others will not accept the truth that only by applying that blood to their sin stained soul can one be redeemed and have true salvation.  What can we do to help our fellow man?  Take the message of the true gospel of Jesus Christ to every person, Matthew 28:18-20.  This is the power to save—the message of the cross, Romans 1:16.  Why not humble ourselves and look to Him who died in order to give true meaning to this life and that one to come!  Open your heart today and mediate on His precious words of life, John 6:63.  God leaves that choice to each of us, Romans 6:16-18.  Please consider the value of your soul and terrible price to be paid to reject His gracious offer, 2 Corinthians 5:10-11. Time is on God’s side not ours.