

“Forgiveness of God-Jack Blake”

Categories: Faithfulness, Forgiveness, Repentance

Good Morning,  

Our past sins were the result of character traits that the disciple must get rid of. All past sins which we have truly repented of, God has forgiven and we must replace them by virtues of God's character, see 2 Peter 1.3-11. This does not happen overnight, but is a process which takes time and patience. It is also necessary that we are diligent in the study, hearing and doing His will. Transformation is a rebuilding of our character and does not happen automatically by divine decree, we must embrace the process actively with all our heart and submit to God's training, however long it may take. Failure to do so can and probably will result in returning to our old character of sinful living. God have mercy and increase our faith.  AMEN