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Increase My Faith-Jack Blake

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Good Morning,  My faith looks up to You, my God. Believing in You through my faith, I am encouraged to put my trust in You and Your word. I believe, yes I believe, help my unbelief, and increase my faith. I am weak but thou art strong, Jesus, keep me from all wrong.  In Jesus name, AMEN

The Great I Am-Jack Blake

Monday, December 09, 2024

GOOD MORNING,  God loves you and will help you endure the storms of this life and provide a way to escape the lustful temptations of the world. Do not worry about the wickedness in the world or those who are evil, doing works of iniquity, for the Lord has overcome the world and its lustful ways.  Seek the Lord while He may still be found and do good. Love the Lord with all your being, your heart, your soul, your mind. Trust Him and commit your way to Him, surrendering your will to His. Trust the Lord and obey His commandments. Lean on Him, for in Him is found love, mercy, grace and forgiveness. Be honest with Him and self, be faithful, and true to Him.  Father, My life to You, I owe, my life to You, I give. I believe in You and believe Your every word, for You are my strength, my refuge, my all. You, Father, are the great I AM. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN

Holes in Our Jeans-Jack Blake

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Good Morning,  Growing up as a child we had to wear hand me down jeans with holes in the because we were financially poor. Today's youth pay an excessive amount of money for jeans with holes in the knees and other places. Is it because they are rich and money is so available? Is it to satisfy their ego? Is it because it is worldly and pleases man? Is it because they are with the 'in' crowd? Wouldn't it be great if jeans with holes in the knees was from spending much time kneeling in prayer to God with humble and thankful hearts? Just a thought for this morning. Thanks for letting me vent.

A Morning Prayer-Jack Blake

Friday, June 21, 2024

Good Morning,

The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with me-----A prayer to the God of my life. Psalms 42.8.  Let my prayer come before You; incline Your ear to my cry. Psalms 88.2.  Now therefore, our God, hear the prayer of Your servant. Daniel 9.17.  The fervent prayers of a righteous man availed much. James 5.16.  Prayer truly changes things.

Father, on bended knee we come to You this morning, with thanksgiving for your Son, Jesus, and for. Your word on which we firmly stand.  We pray for You to intercede in the lives of many who need Your help and strength and comfort this day. We especially pray for our brother Mark and ask that You help him and Cindy and their family as You see their needs during this time of testing and wanting good results from those tests.  Be with us, Father, and help us to be better servants to You.  Father, we look to You for guidance in this life and for your help in decisions that we make for problems we face from day to day.  May our decisions be acceptable to You, and according to Your will.  These thanks we give, these petitions we ask in Jesus name. AMEN

A Morning Prayer-Jack Blake

Friday, May 24, 2024

Good Morning,

This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalms 118.24).  Father, we come to You this morning on bended knee and humble our selves before Your throne, being thankful for Your protection and peace as we rested through the night; and for waking us to live this new day for you.  Give us, Father, our daily bread and forgive our sins as we forgive those who transgress us.  Lord, increase our knowledge of You and help us to understand that our plans for this day must be surrendered to Yours.  Help us to do all things in word and deed that will bring praise, honor and glory to Your holy name.  In Jesus name w pray, AMEN.

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