Unity-Jack Blake
Wednesday, September 18, 2024Good Morning,
God wants to forgive us of our sins, repair the damage sin has done in our life, transforming us into a people who can live eternally with Him. To receive His forgiveness, we must first forgive others who have trespassed against us. See Mark 11.25. Forgiveness comes from the heart and God knows the heart. God wants Unity among His people (His church) so all who wear His name will have the mind of Christ, doing good, so the world can know are His disciples indeed. This is the will of God for us.
God's Redemption-Jack Blake
Friday, September 13, 2024Good Morning,
How can we not love our God, the God who created us? The God who out of His deep love for us, sent His only begotten Son (Jesus) to descend to this low ground of sin and sorrow to die a most cruel and brutal death on a cross, just so we might have redemption for our sins and give us hope of eternal life and a reason to go on. Our God, through the death, burial, and resurrection of His Son redeems us, and through His shed blood, cleanses us and washes away our every repented sin. We are not perfect while here, but we should conduct our loves to bring glory, honor and praise to His name so others might see our good works and glorify Him also. God wants no one to perish in their Sin, but wants all to repent, and obey Him.
Father I pray for your forgiveness when we stumble or fall. In Jesus Name, AMEN.
How can we reject so great a salvation. I will glorify the Lord.
Be Not Condemned-Jack Blake
Wednesday, August 28, 2024Good Morning,
No one who is in Christ Jesus, who walk according to the Spirit and not the flesh is condemned, for Jesus the Christ is the Spirit of life who has freed us from the law of sin and death. As long as we abide in Him and He in us, we are indeed His disciples and we shall know the truth which sets us free from the law of sin. The law was weak through flesh, but God sent to us His beloved Son in the likeness of sinful flesh on account of sin; He condemned sin in the flesh, and gives us hope of eternal life with Him. Therefore brethren, through this man is preached the forgiveness of sins, and all who believe is justified from all things not justified by the law of Moses. Let us be thankful for His Son and for His word.
Only Through Jesus-Jack Blake
Friday, August 23, 2024GOOD MORNING,
It is only through Christ Jesus and His death on the cross, His burial in a borrowed tomb and His resurrection from death by the Father, that we can have redemption and forgiveness of our sins. It is the power in His blood that washes away our every sin, cleanses our soul and makes us whole again. Thank You, Father, for Your deliverance out of sin's darkness and into the Kingdom of Your Son and His love. See Colossians 1.12-14.
Love sweet love from above-Jack Blake
Wednesday, July 10, 2024Good Morning,
The greatest gift given to us from above is Jesus Christ, Son of God, who was sent by God and who willingly left His heavenly home to die for the sins of the world. Not His sins, because He was sinless, but your sins and mine that we might be reconciled with God and have hope of eternal life. This He done out of pure sweet love from above. For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son. John 3.16. By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 1 John 3.16. How sweet, how precious was this love from above which was given to us, not to keep to ourselves but to share with others. Today let's focus on Jesus the Christ and the love He has gifted us with and share it with others. Read 1 Corinthians 13.