Good News
Rejoice in the Lord-Jack Blake
Thursday, March 14, 2024Greetings Brethren and Friends,
In both the old and new testament scriptures speak of a perverse and crooked generation, a stubborn and rebellious generation, an adulterous generation, a faithless generation. From generation to generation it seems God's people have had a difficult time remaining faithful to God. Because of sin; faith can weaken, hearts can harden and go astray from His word. In Romans 15.4, Paul told those in Rome and by extension, us, whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. But have we learned? Or is this generation like those of the past? (Questions to ponder). We live in a world of trials, troubles and temptations. But there is still hope for our generation, for the One who has been given all authority in heaven and earth. Jesus the Christ has told us we would face these things in the world, but that we should be of good cheer FOR HE HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD! See John 16.33. Sin is the reason for trials and tribulations. And Satan dresses up temptations to look so good and inviting that we can and some do fall away and walk with the Lord no more. Don't fall for Satan's lies. Stay close to the Lord and you will become more than conquerers. Rejoice in the Lord and thank God for Jesus.
Father, we give thanks to You for Jesus. Help us to stay firmly planted on Your word that we not fall for Satan's lies. Increase our faith. Help our unbelief. Strengthen our hearts as we walk with You in the light of Your words. Help us to follow the way of escape which You provide from all temptations.
In Jesus name, AMEN
Ref: Philippians 4.4
The Word of God-Jack Blake
Wednesday, March 13, 2024The word of God.
Greetings Brethren and Friends,
Every word written in God's inspired word (The Bible). is first of all pure, true, righteous and packed with His power. His word is to be applied to the life of all who claim the name of Jesus and is to be carried to the world boldly by them. The word of God is written and the gospel told in terms that even a child can understand. So it makes one wonder why so many today are unwilling to open its pages and read the words of our Master. My suspicion is that they are afraid because His word demands His will which may go against the things they want to do.
Father we pray that you will help Your children to mature in your word, apply it to their personal life and boldly tell it to the world. May hearts be softened and receptive to Your truths before it is too late.
In Jesus name, AMEN.
Try to do the right thing, cause you can't be wrong if you're doing it by the book!
Commitment-Jack Blake
Tuesday, March 05, 2024Greetings Brethren and Friends,
It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God-Matthew 4.4. But how can we know the words that proceed from the mouth of God unless we read and study them daily? His divine power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue-2 Peter 1.3. We gain knowledge of living a godly life by reading and studying His word. His word teaches us to live justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God -Micah 6. Jesus said, heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words will by no means pass away-Matthew 24.35 . We must be committed to daily study of His words.
God's Word and Man's Choices-Jack Blake
Monday, March 04, 2024Greetings Brethren and Friends,
Man needs to hear and listen carefully to God's word, and here is why. God's word is inspired by God, or rather God breathed. Listen to the Master: "He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him... The word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day-John 12.48.
Better listen, better hear, better do, for there are two things that no one can change or escape from.
1. It is appointed for men to DIE once,
2. but after this comes the JUDGEMENT-Hebrews 9.27.
We must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad-2 Corinthians 5.10. God will not make you obey, He gives man choices, but He also gives warnings as to the consequences of disobedient. As for me and my house we choose Jesus. Pray you will also.
I know I have spoke about this a lot...........But
More About Jesus and His Gospel-Jack Blake
Monday, February 26, 2024Greetings Brethren and Friends,
The gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone of every creed, of every tongue, of every nation. Hear it, believe it. Jesus said: "Repent and believe the gospel ' (Mark 1.15). Obey it, for this is God's will for you. He wants no one to perish, but that all might have eternal life. If you refuse His gospel you will die in your sins and face eternal punishment.
Hear, O hear Him calling, calling now for thee.