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From Bethlehem to Calvary-Jack Blake

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Good Morning,  Without Bethlehem there would be no Calvary, without Calvary there would be no gospel, without the gospel there would be no salvation, no hope for mankind. Because of God's great love for us, He sent His beloved Son to this low ground of sin and sorrow to save, not destroy the world. Born in Bethlehem as the son of man, Jesus, was despised and forsaken by men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, journeyed from Bethlehem to Calvary where He suffered and gave His life on an old rugged cross, then resurrected by the Father, overcoming death and giving us hope of eternal life. We give thanks for Bethlehem and remember God is glorified at Calvary.  Thanks for reading.

Light and Darkness-Jack Blake

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Good Morning,  According to the scriptures, God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. 1 John 1.5. And Jesus, the beloved Son of God, and son of man, confesses that He is the light of the world and whoever chooses to follow Him will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. John 8.12. This Jesus also confesses that He is the way, the truth and the life and no one can come to the Father except through Him. John 14.6. And yet men reject His light preferring darkness instead, because they think sins are hidden in the darkness, and exposed in the light. But sin cannot be covered up or hidden from God. Wake up, America, while there is still time.

Our Example-Jack Blake

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Good Morning,  Christ lived to give us an example of how we should live, and sacrificed His life, being crucified on the cross for the sins of the world. He was resurrected from death back to life proving He is a conqueror and ascended back to heaven where He now sits at the right hand of the throne of God as our King, interceding for us as our high Priest. All praise, glory and honor to His name!

Decide to follow Jesus-Jack Blake

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Good Morning,  JESUS, the Christ, King of all kings, Lord of all lords is the one I have decided to follow, because He lives still today, seated at the right hand throne of God. He is my bread when I'm hungry, my shelter from troubled winds, my anchor in life's ocean, who has the words of eternal life. JESUS, my best friend, merciful, forgiving and full of grace towards us. JESUS my only reason for living. He is the way the truth and the life, the only way to the Father is through Him. JESUS, the only name under heaven by which we must be saved. JESUS, just and fair in His judgements, the one all will stand in front of on that great and glorious day to give an account of the things done on earth, in this body whether good or bad. We have no greater friend than JESUS, for there is no friend like the lowly JESUS, no not one.  These are just some of the reasons I try to take up my cross daily and follow JESUS. Decide this day whom you will follow.  Thanks for reading..

Living for Jesus-Jack Blake

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

iGood Morning,  Our salvation was obtained through Jesus the Christ, Son of God and the only name by which salvation is possible. He came, He taught, did many miracles, was rejected by His own, suffered and died by crucifixion for the sins of the world. In Him we live and move and have our being. Acts 17.28. Living for Jesus is to walk by faith with Him, in the light of His word, having the same mind as He, humble, loving, caring, merciful, forgiving others just as He has forgiven us. Philippians 2. Living for Jesus we will suffer persecution from the world and sometimes within the church. Living our life for Jesus is not always sunshine and roses. But quitting is never an option for those who choose to pick up their cross daily and follow Him. Living for Jesus is not for the weak and faint hearted. but for the strong and courageous who are striving to please Him.

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