

Our Salvation

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Near To the Heart of God-Jack Blake

Monday, April 08, 2024

Greetings, Friends and Brethren

Jesus was sent from the heart of God to this low ground of sin and sorrow to seek and save the lost of this world.  Now if Jesus was sent from the heart of God and we truly want to be near to the heart of God where there is calm, peace and release from the troubles of the world, then we need to set our minds not on things of earth but on things on high and stay close to the blessed Redeemer, Jesus the Christ, by picking up our cross daily and following Him.  Brethren we can make a difference by seeking the lost, teaching them the truths of the gospel and conducting our lives with the same mind as Christ.

Father, draw us nearer still nearer to the cross where Jesus died.  Nearer still nearer to thy heart.  Our sinful and contrite hearts we bring to thee to be washed and cleansed in the precious blood of our Savior.  We resign and crucify all of sins pleasures, pride and desires and want now to only do Your will.  Help us, Father, to find that quiet place of rest near to Your heart.

In Jesus name, AMEN

Living for Jesus-Jack Blake

Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Greetings Brethren and Friends,

Having been buried with Christ Jesus through baptism into death, just as He was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we also should walk in newness of life.  We now belong to Him and those who are His have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  No longer do we let sin reign in our mortal bodies that we should obey its lusts, but now present ourselves to God as being alive from the dead and our members as instruments of righteousness to God.  In this new life we now live in His truth and strive to please Him in all we do, that we may walk worthy of the Lord fully pleasing Him.  Out of our pure love for Christ we are committed to obey His commandments.  Live for Jesus, give Him all you have to give, for if we died with Him, we shall also live with Him and if we endure we shall also reign with Him.  But if we deny Him, He will also deny us.

Romans 6.3-4;Galatians 5.24; Romans 6.12-13; Colossians 1.10; John 14.15; 2 Timothy 2.11-12.

The Message of the Cross-Jack Blake

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Greetings Friends,

The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing,  But to us who are being saved, it is the power of God - 1 Corinthians 1.18.  In His letter to Rome, Paul wrote: I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes - Romans 1.16.  The message of the cross is the precious story of Jesus.  It tells how He was tempted, but triumphant.  He was sinless but labored to save the world from its sins.  Yet, He was despised, afflicted, tortured, rejected, mocked and finally put to death, nailed to a cross, suspended between heaven and earth with two criminals, buried in a borrowed tomb paying the price for our sins.  But our Heavenly Father resurrected Him and He overcame death. Now through Him all who believe, repent and obey can have forgiveness of sins and hope of eternal life.

Father, this morning we pray for the lost who are perishing, that they might receive the good news of the message of the cross; the gospel of Jesus and would see the error of their ways that their hearts be softened and convict them so they would repent, confess and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for remission of their sins.  Father, help us who are being saved by Your power to tell the good news of the gospel to all who might cross our paths today. May we ever be faithful to You and Your word. 

In Jesus name, AMEN.

It's All About Him-Jack Blake

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Greetings Brethren and Friends,

Before the foundation of the world, God had a plan to redeem us from our sins for the purpose of glorifying Him.  He put all things under His feet, and gave Christ to be to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all-Ephesisan 1.22,23. He chose us to be with Him before the foundation of the world-Ephesians 1.4.  This was the plan of the soverign, all knowing, all powerful God.  God has always wanted us to be holy and without blame in a relationship with Him.  He loved us and sent His Son Jesus, that through Him, by His grace we might be saved.  But it is really not about us, it's all for God's glory.  We should be at the center of God's world, not He at the center of our world.  Through Jesus we are redeemed and accepted into fellowship with Him and In Him we obtain an eternal inheritance and He gives us the Holy Spirit to seal our inheritance.  We are beneficiaries of God glorifying Himself and we should be grateful and thankful.  But it's not about us.  It's all about Him.

Fear of the Lord, Proverbs-Jack Blake

Monday, March 18, 2024

Greetings Brethren and friends,

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge-Proverbs 1.7.  The beginning of wisdom-Proverbs 9.10.  Leads to life-Proberbs 19.23.  Prolongs days-Proverbs 10.27.  Hates evil-Proverbs 8.13.  By the fear of the Lord one departs from evil-Proverbs 16.6.  So fear the Lord and depart from evil, it will be health to your flesh and strength to your bones-Proverbs 3.7.


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