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Lest We Forget-Jack Blake

Monday, December 25, 2023

Good Morning Friends,

Wishing all a Merry Christmas, and a blessed day. 

While there is NO proof, biblical nor scientific that God's beloved Son, the author of eternal salvation to those who obey Him, the author and finisher of our faith, was born on this day.  We are joyful, and thankful for His birth.  For without Bethlehem, there would have been no cross on Calvary.  No death, no burial, no resurrection, no hope for eternal life.  So let us not forget to be joyful, and thankful every day for His birth.

And even though there is no command to remember His birth, never forget that He has commanded us to remember His death, burial and resurrection, the price He paid for our sins and the hope we have for eternal life. 

So to all, especially the beloved saints of God, may His grace and peace be with us, may His peace rule in our hearts today, as we gather with friends and family.   And do not forget to gather with our church family on the first day of every  week to remember the ultimate price He paid for our sins. His death, burial, and resurrection, without which there would be no forgiveness of sins, nor hope of eternal life. 

- Jack Blake

RE: Hebrews 5.9; 12.2; Colossians 3.15; 1 Corinthians 11.

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