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God and Us-Jack Blake

Monday, April 15, 2024

Good Morning,

The God of the Old Testament is the same God of the New Testament.  God doesn't change (Malachi 3.6).  It is sin that separates us from God, not the Bible (Isaiah 59.2).  God has blessed us with a scheme of redemption to save us from the sins that separate us from Him and to bring us back to a rightful relationship with Him.  The word of the Lord is right, and all His work is done in truth.  He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord (Psalms 33.4-5).  Righteousness and justice is the foundation of His throne, mercy and truth go before His face (Psalms 89.14).  The Lord is longsuffering (patient) toward us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (2.Peter 3.9).  God will not interfere with our freedom of choice; we can choose eternal life with Him or die in our sins and be eternally destroyed.

But for me and my house we shall serve the Lord (Joshua 24.15).

A People-Jack Blake

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Greetings, Brethren,

We were once not a people but are now the people of God who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy (1 Peter2.10).  Now therefore, IF you will indeed OBEY My voice and KEEP My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people, for all the earth is Mine and you shall be to Me a Kingdom of priests and a holy nation (Exodus 19.5,6).  We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own special people, that we may proclaim the praises of Him who called us from darkness (sin) into His marvelous light (righteousness) (1 Peter 2.9).  Also read Revelation 1.5,6.  Brethren, be careful out there for the eyes of the world are watching us and their ears are hearing us to confirm if we are truly God's people.  Therefore, be filled with the Spirit, walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time.  Understand what the will of the Lord is because the days are evil (Ephesians 5.15-17).

God's Chosen One-Jack Blake

Friday, April 12, 2024


Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God (Matthew 16.16), who has been given all authority in heaven and on earth and has commanded us to go and make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28.18,19).  If we love Him we will keep His commandments, I say it again, if we love Him we will keep His commandments.  He is the way, the truth, and the life, and the only way to the Father is through Him (John 14.6).  He is the Son of God (John 20.31), and the son of man (Luke 22.48).  He is our hope and faith and mystery of godliness (1 Timothy 1.1, 14; 3.16).  He is God's chosen one to descend from His heavenly place to this low ground of sin and sorrow, to suffer and die for the world's sin.  Jesus is all of this and so much more, to Him I owe my life.

Which Way Do You Chose-Jack Balke

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Greetings, Friends and Brethren,

The views of the world, and I am sad to say, even some who claim to be Christians concerning God and His word is nothing short of crucifying Jesus again.  The tempting of God by raising up the wicked and instead of exposing their wrongs, blessing those who call evil good and good evil is just morally and spiritually wrong.  But the true disciple, that is those who love and fear the Lord, empty themselves of worldly ways by crucifying the flesh with its passions and desires and deny self to do what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12.1,2).  They take heed knowing they too can fall from His grace (1 Corinthians 10.12).  They feed on God's word daily to strengthen and refresh their faith.  They know that there is coming a day when we all will appear before the judgement seat of Christ to give account of the things done in the body whether good or bad. (2 Corinthians 5.10), and they prepare their heart.  Our world would oh so better, if we found more Bibles on the table, and mothers singing Rock of Ages cleft for me.  Words of a country song; "Family Bible."

Examinations-Jack Blake

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Greetings, Friends, and Brethren,

When I was in school I hated exams, oral or written.  But with age I have found that examination of self is vital, especially concerning my Christian life.  In Galatians 6:1-5, Paul tells us to examine our work.  In 1 Corinthians 11.28, pertaining to the taking of the Lord's supper, we are also told to examine self.  And then I consider my Lord and savior Jesus the Christ, King of all Kings, who was examined by others so many times and in so many ways.  Yet He passed every exam with flying colors.  His love for TRUTH, and the TRUTHS of the Father was tested by Satan in Matthew chapter 4.  He was tested about His love for the Father, and aced that test with His answer, I must do My Father's will by keeping His commandments, even to suffer and die. (Luke 24.46).  He asked the Father to remove the suffering from Him, but said, "Thy will not Mine be done". (Mark 14.33-38).  He was tested by Pilate, and acknowledged He was a King and had a Kingdom that was not a threat to Pilate. (See John 18.36,37).  He was examined about His love for His enemies, but on the cross He asked the Father to forgive them for they know not what they do. (Luke 23.34).  Jesus never failed, but with a perfect score passed every examination.  And He will never fail in His love and mercy for us.  When I examine myself about these things, I fail miserably compared to My Savior.

Oh, to be like thee, blessed redeemer.

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