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The Solid Rock-Jack Blake

Monday, December 30, 2024

Good Morning,  Be content with all that God has blessed you with, and be thankful. Love God with all your being. Trust His words for they are truth. Know and obey His commandments. Strengthen your fellowship with Him each day by a diligent study of His word; let your light so shine in the world that the world may know yto whom you belong. Keep the one faith and your soul firmly anchored on the solid rock of Jesus and you will prevail in the storms of this life.

Praise, Honor and Glory-Jack Blake

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Good Morning,  Blessed be the God of our salvation. Praise, honor, and glory to His name.

Suffering in Christ-Jack Blake

Friday, December 27, 2024

Good Morning,  All who desire to live in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. Rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. Do not be ashamed to suffer as a Christian but glorify God in this matter.  2 Timothy 3.12; 1 Peter 4.13-16

A Good, Thankful and Faithful Heart-Jack Blake

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Good Morning,  As a new day which God has provided dawns, let us humbly, from a good and faithful heart be thankful. Let us enter and live this day with the same mind as Christ, edifying and serving one another with godly love, considering the needs of others above our own. May we rejoice with those who are rejoicing and weep with those who are weeping. Let us be as kind, merciful and forgiving as our Lord is to us. As we walk with the Lord in the light of His ways, may we do all things that bring honor, glory and praise to His glorious name. AMEN

The gospel of Jesus the Christ-Jack Blake

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Good Morning, and Merry Christmas to friends of God and disciples of Jesus, the beloved Son of God.  I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation. Romans 1.16. The gospel of Christ is the message of salvation from our sins, Luke 24,46,47. It is for the penitent, Matthew 4.17, all who have eyes that see and ears that hear the seriousness of their betraying the Father and mourn, Matthew 5.4, and hunger and thirst for righteousness, Matthew 5.6. They embrace the good news of the gospel that is offered in Christ, those who believe and confess openly that Christ is indeed the savior sent by the Father from above, Romans 10.9-10, and are eager to be buried with Christ in baptism so their sins might be forgiven, Acts 2.38. For the rest of their lives they live in newness of life, Romans 6.4 watching and waiting for the return of Christ and their eternal life with God, 2 Peter 3.10-13; 1 John 3.2-3.

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