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Children of God-Jack Blake

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Good Morning,  Just want to share a thought, I have from reading 1 John 3.1.  It is through God's divine Love and obedience that we inherit the right to be called children of God, and through adoption we are called sons of God. Because of God's divine love for us, He delivered up His own Son, that we might be redeemed, forgiven of our sins. For this we should be thankful, and I am.

Grow in Faith-Jack Blake

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Good Morning,  According to the scriptures, we, that is those who have obeyed the gospel, are to grow our faith by diligently, adding virtue, knowledge, self control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love. For if these qualities are yours and increase, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Those who lack these qualities is blind or short sighted, having forgotten his purification from his former sins. Be diligent to make certain about His call and election. For if we put these things into practice, we will never stumble.  Taken from 2 Peter 1.

Open My Eyes-Jack Blake

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Good Morning,  Father, open my eyes that I might see the wondrous beauty of Your love. Help me to set my thoughts on things above and meditate on things which are noble, just and pure, lovely things of good report. Blessed Are You, my God, and blessed are all Your ways. Teach me Your ways, how to love as You love and forgive as you forgive. Teach me, Lord, all Your statutes, for in these things peace and contentment are found, strength and courage to overcome the hate and lusts of this wicked and evil generation.  In Jesus name I offer this prayer humbly and with a heart of thanksgiving for blessing me in every way. AMEN

The Great I Am-Jack Blake

Monday, December 09, 2024

GOOD MORNING,  God loves you and will help you endure the storms of this life and provide a way to escape the lustful temptations of the world. Do not worry about the wickedness in the world or those who are evil, doing works of iniquity, for the Lord has overcome the world and its lustful ways.  Seek the Lord while He may still be found and do good. Love the Lord with all your being, your heart, your soul, your mind. Trust Him and commit your way to Him, surrendering your will to His. Trust the Lord and obey His commandments. Lean on Him, for in Him is found love, mercy, grace and forgiveness. Be honest with Him and self, be faithful, and true to Him.  Father, My life to You, I owe, my life to You, I give. I believe in You and believe Your every word, for You are my strength, my refuge, my all. You, Father, are the great I AM. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN

Guidance through His Word-Jack Blake

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Good Morning,  Our adversary, the devil, is having a field day prowling around to see who he can devour. He makes sin look so inviting, good and enjoyable that many are falling for his schemes, some even leaving God for what satan tries to make us believe, is a life of ease and comfort. But to the faithful servant of God, we can see through satan's wicked, evil ways and turn to God who loves and cares for us. Through His word we find guidance to live in this world of evil and wickedness. Because of His love and mercy we have hope. Through the avenue of prayer we receive strength and courage to remain steadfast and grounded in the faith that was once for all given to the Saints. Turn your eyes upon Jesus for He cares for you.

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