Only Through Jesus-Jack Blake
Friday, August 23, 2024GOOD MORNING,
It is only through Christ Jesus and His death on the cross, His burial in a borrowed tomb and His resurrection from death by the Father, that we can have redemption and forgiveness of our sins. It is the power in His blood that washes away our every sin, cleanses our soul and makes us whole again. Thank You, Father, for Your deliverance out of sin's darkness and into the Kingdom of Your Son and His love. See Colossians 1.12-14.
The Two Greatest Commandments-Jack Blake
Thursday, August 22, 2024Good Morning,
Love God with all your being!! Love your neighbor as yourself!! Christ said these are the two greatest commandments, said the Master of all things in heaven and on earth. Matthew 22.36-39. And yet, and yet, too many humans who were created by God don't get it and I wonder why. God help us.
Judgement-Jack Blake
Tuesday, August 20, 2024Good Morning,
The world today is full of people passing judgement on others. Their judgement is based on hate not righteousness. Sometimes judgement is passed to those that are not even known to those judging. Who on earth has any authority to judge another. According to the world if your thoughts and way of thinking is not in agreement with others they are judged as being hypocrites and bound for hell's fires. But according to the scriptures Christians are told to judge not that we be not judge; and that with what judgement we judge, we will be judged; and that with what measure we us it will be measured back to us. See Matthew 7.1-2.
Help on Our Journey-Jack Blake
Monday, August 19, 2024Good Morning,
It's such a pretty day today in St. John The sun is brightly shining and God is showing His splendor and beauty in all the eye can see and the hands touch.
Father, thank you for this day you have provided for us, for your word on which we stand that guides us and gives us hope and reason to go on. The heavens truly declare your glory and the firmament shows your handiwork. Psalms 19.1. While even though our outward man is perishing yet the inner man is being renewed day by day 2 Corinthians 4.16, as we study your word to hear and do Your will. Thank you, Father, for all you do to help us on our journey through this pilgrim land to our eternal, heavenly home. In Jesus name we pray. AMEN
Contend for the Faith-Jack Blake
Saturday, August 17, 2024Good Morning,
The days are evil, but we as Christians are to walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil. Ephesians 5.15-16. Regardless of circumstances of the world, we must continue earnestly contending for the faith which was once for all delivered to the Saints. Jude 3. Love God with all your being. Matthew 22.37. Put your trust in in God and His word not in man. Our salvation is found only ion the Lord.
Message to me.